ANCILE Info Pak, uLearn, & uAlign

Getting Started for uAlign Administrators

As an Administrator, you will set up the overall structure by creating user groups, inviting members to uAlign, and setting each member's role.  You can also perform all the actions of an Author.  Finally, you will perform the basic functions of a User - viewing and responding to Messages, and keeping track of your response metrics.

You can find help for uAlign at the ANCILE Intelligence Hub

Register and Set up Your Profile

When you are invited to join uAlign, you will receive an email containing a link to register with uAlign.  You must click on the registration link and complete the registration before you can log-in to uAlign.

After completing the registration, you can edit your user profile in uAlign, including your Last name, First name, Username, Email, Time zone, Language, and email notification preference.

Segment Your Users by Group and Role

Before adding new members to uAlign, it's best to determine whether they will be designated to a specific user group and what their role will be. 

User Groups make it easier to target your uAlign Messages to a specific audience.  For example, contractors in the US might belong to a separate user group than contractors in Europe.  With uAlign, you can subscribe the US group and the European group to separate streams, each with its own targeted information.

Roles allow you to identify a team of users that perform a common uAlign function or activity like creating content, managing users, and generating reports.  Every member of uAlign is a user, author, or an administrator. Typically, administrators oversee and manage their organization's use of uAlign.  Authors create Channels, Campaigns, and content within uAlign.  End users consume Messages and respond to assessments and surveys. 

Create User Groups

If members will be designated to specific user groups, then you should first create the user groups that you'll need.  Once you've created all your initial user groups, you can designate each member to the appropriate user group when adding the member to uAlign.  This streamlines the process of assigning members to groups and prevents you from having to designate each new member to a user group manually. 

If you do not wish to designate members to a user group, then simply proceed with adding members to uAlign manually or in bulk. You can always add user groups and designate members to user groups (individually or in bulk) later.

Customize Your Invitation Email

When you invite a new member to join uAlign, that new member receives an email containing a link to register with uAlign. This email contains basic information about uAlign.

You can modify this invitation to suit your specific needs.  For example, you may wish to modify uAlign's invitation email to:

  • State your project's objectives and how uAlign will help you meet them
  • Reassure your users that uAlign is a sanctioned application, and that they should complete the registration
  • Provide a contact for additional questions.

If you want your users to receive a customized email modification, you should create the invitation content in all applicable languages prior to adding new members.

Invite New Members

You can invite new members to uAlign via two primary methods:

  • If you're adding a small number of members at one time, then you can invite them individually by entering each member's email address, separated by a comma
  • If you're adding a large number of members at one time, then you can invite them in bulk using a comma-separated value (CSV) file containing each member's email address

When inviting members, you can select a User, Author or Administrator role for the invited users. If you have created user groups, then you can optionally select the user group to add the members to when they are invited.

To add new members in bulk, you must first construct a separate CSV file for each User Group and Role.  Then, when using the CSV file to add members in bulk, select the desired role for the new users (User, Author, or Administrator) and optionally select the desired group to which the new users will be assigned. For example:




ROLE: User

GROUP: Contractors

ROLE: Author

GROUP: Contractors

ROLE: User

GROUP: Human Resources


Ensure New Members Are Registered

When you invite a new member to join uAlign, that new member receives an email containing a link to register with uAlign.  The member must click on the registration link and complete the registration before they can log-in to uAlign and view content.

It is important to ensure all your members are registered so that they can begin receiving and responding to uAlign Messages.

You can determine:

  • Which invited users have completed their registration
  • Which invited users are "pending" - haven't yet completed their registration
  • Which invitations have been "bounced" - rejected by the mail server because of an incorrect/non-existent email address or other problem with the recipient's mail system

If needed, you can resend an invitation to pending users and remove bounced invitations.

Monitor Activity

Now that members are added to uAlign and each member has an assigned role and an optional user group, authors can begin creating streams and Messages, and users can begin responding to these Messages. 

You can monitor Message response activity using uAlign's available summary reports and user detail reports.

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