- Product: ANCILE uAlign
uAlign uses various third party components subject to copyright and separate licensing terms. Your use of these components is covered by the terms of service and the end user license agreement, if any. Please contact legal@ancile.com for further information related to these components, or any licensing questions you may have.
DataTables Plug-in for jQuery by SpryMedia
The DataTables plug-in for jQuery is used to create table content within the management of organizations in the web application.
Wicked PDF Converter by Miles Z. Sterrett.
The Wicked PDF converter is a library wrapper used to call wkhtmltopdf in order to generate PDF reports in the web application.
The wkhtmltopdf PDF converter is an unmodified binary application used to generate PDF reports from HTML using Webkit in the web application.
Highcharts JS by Highsoft Solutions AS
The Highcharts JS Charting Library is used to create analytical charts for users, authors and administrators in the web and native iOS application.
Kaminari by Akira Matsuda
The Kaminari Paginator is used to separate content into multiple pages in the web application.
Redactor WYSIWYG HTML Editor by Imperavi
The Redactor WYSIWYG HTML Editor is used by authors to create content in the web application.
Sexy Combo jQuery Plugin
The Sexy Combo jQuery Plugin is used to select organizations and other objects in the web application.
TeX Gyre Adventor Font designed by GUST e-foundry
The TeX Gyre Adventor Font is used in headings and labels in the web application.