- Product: ANCILE uAlign
Within uAlign, users, authors, and administrators can view metrics for the completion, on-time, and average score of messages.
Users can see:
The user's own Overall Message Completion Percentage, On‐Time Percentage, and Average Score Percentage
- User's Overall Message Completion Percentage measures the number of messages completed by a user across all user organizations, divided by all messages delivered in channels or published in campaigns across all user organizations.
- User's Overall On‐Time Percentage measures the number of messages completed by a user before the due date across all channels and campaigns, divided by all messages delivered to the user in channels or published in campaigns across all user organizations.
- User's Overall Average Score Percentage measures the total score of all assessments completed across all user organizations, divided by the user’s total number of assessment attempts across all organizations.
The user's own Per-Channel/Campaign Message Completion Percentage, On‐Time Percentage, and Average Score Percentage
- User's Per-Channel/Campaign Message Completion Percentage measures the number of messages completed by a user in a channel or campaign, divided by all messages delivered in a channel or published in a campaign in an organization.
- User's Per-Channel/Campaign On‐Time Percentage measures the number of messages completed by a user before the due date of a message in a channel or the campaign due date, divided by the total number of messages delivered in a channel or published in a campaign in an organization.
- User's Per-Channel/Campaign Average Score Percentage measures the total score of all assessment attempts completing by a user in a channel or campaign, divided by the user’s total number of assessment attempts in that stream.
Everyone's aggregate Per-Channel/Campaign Message Completion Percentage, On‐Time Percentage, and Average Score Percentage
- Everyone's Per-Channel/Campaign Message Completion Percentage measures the number of messages completed by everyone in a channel or campaign, divided by all messages delivered in a channel or published in a campaign in an organization.
- Everyone's Per-Channel/Campaign On‐Time Percentage measures the number of messages completed before the due date of messages in the channel or the campaign’s due date, divided by the total number of messages delivered in a channel or published in a campaign in an organization.
- Everyone's Per-Channel/Campaign Average Score Percentage measures the total score of all assessment attempts completing by everyone in a channel or campaign, divided by the total number of assessment attempts in that stream.
Authors can see all the information Users see, plus:
Channel/Campaign Message Completion Percentage measures the number of messages completed in a channel or campaign in an organization, divided by all messages delivered in a channel or published in a campaign in an organization.
Channel/Campaign On‐Time Percentage measures the number of messages completed before the due date of messages in a channel or the campaign’s due date, divided by the total number of messages delivered in a channel or published in a campaign in an organization.
Channel/Campaign Average Score Percentage measures the total score of all assessment attempts in an authorized channel or campaign, divided by the total number of assessment attempts in that stream.
Campaign Progress is an overview of the campaign that lists the campaign's messages which have been delivered to and completed by subscribers.
Message Status is an overview including average response time, completed percentage, average score, passed percentage, overdue percentage, and a list of subscribers and their response status.
Message Response displays the assessment answer, the number of correct and incorrect responses, and the option to view a list of each user's response to the message's questions.
Administrators can see all the information Users and Authors see, plus:
User Details provides user-specific information regarding logins and an overview on average response time, average score, percent complete, user completion and success, message responses, and passed and overdue message percentages.
- User Assessment Report provides information about how a specific user responded on each message assessment, including the date submitted, number of graded questions, number of correct answers, score, and the user's responses to each question in the message.
Summary Report is a report that can contain data from one or more user groups, channels, and campaigns within your organization. The summary report will include the activity from each selected user for every message in the selected channels and campaigns within your organization.