ANCILE Info Pak, uLearn, & uAlign

uAlign Authors: How do I determine each user's responses to a message's questions?


A message's Response report displays each assessment or survey question in the message, along with each question's answer and the number of respondents who chose the answer.  This report can be exported to a PDF and comma-separated value (CSV) report file by clicking the download icon in the upper right corner of the report.  

The PDF report lists each assessment or survey question in the message, along with each question's answer and the number of respondents who chose the answer.

The comma-separated value (CSV) report report lists each responding user’s response to each assessment or survey question in the message, enabling an author to categorize respondents based upon their responses. The report includes each respondent's username, first name, last name, email address, and their response to each of the message's questions.


  • Product: ANCILE uAlign


  1. Ensure that the proper organization name is displayed in the upper left.
  2. Click the Manage tab.
  3. Click Messages on the left navigation bar.
  4. Click the View Status/View Responses icon to the right of a message.
  5. Click View Response Report.
  6. To view a list of each responding user’s response to each question in the message, click the icon to the right of a response report page and click Export to CSV.
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