- Product: ANCILE uAlign
uAlign's roles are intended to identify a team of users that perform a common uAlign function or activity. Each user or group can be assigned to one of following three roles:
End User: Members of the user role can:
- View and respond to a message.
- Mark a message as a favorite.
- Answer questions about micro-learning content.
- View user response metrics for individual messages, individual assessments, all messages within a stream, and all messages within organization.
- Edit user profile - first name, last name, username, email, password, time zone, locale, and daily email notification setting.
- Subscribe to channels, if allowable.
Author: Members of the author role can:
- Create, edit, preview, duplicate, recall, and delete messages.
- Schedule messages for delivery in channels or campaigns.
- View user response metrics across an entire organization and in channels and campaigns within an organization.
- Add and remove users from a channel or campaign.
- Create, edit, and remove delivery methods (channels and campaigns) in an organization.
- View reports on channels, campaigns, and messages.
Administrator: Members of the administrator role can:
- Invite or remove users as a member of an organization.
- Resend or remove a sent invitation within an organization.
- Create, edit, and remove user groups within an organization.
- Add and remove users from a user group.
- Set a user's role in the organization.
- Switch organization's primary contact (owner) to another organization administrator.
- Add and remove authorization for channels and campaigns.
Access is cumulative for the roles. In other words, a member of the administrator role can perform all the actions of members of the user and author roles. A member of the author role can perform all actions of the user role.
If you assign specific authors to a channel or campaign, then ONLY the assigned authors can create messages in the channel or campaign. Otherwise, if you choose not to assign specific authors to a channel or campaign, then ANY author can create messages in the channel or campaign.